
The page has information for installing openfe, installing software packages that integrate with openfe, and testing that your openfe installation is working.

openfe currently only works on POSIX system (macOS and UNIX/Linux). It is tested against Python 3.9 and 3.10.

Installing openfe#

When you install openfe through any of the methods described below, you will install both the core library and the command line interface (CLI).

Single file installer#


Developer install#

If you’re going to be developing for openfe, you will want an installation where your changes to the code are immediately reflected in the functionality. This is called a “developer” or “editable” installation.

Getting a developer installation for openfe first installing the requirements, and then creating the editable installation. We recommend doing that with conda using the following procedure:

First, clone the openfe repository, and switch into its root directory:

$ git clone
$ cd openfe

Next create a conda environment containing the requirements from the specification in that directory:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the openfe environment with:

$ conda activate openfe

Finally, create the editable installation:

$ python -m pip install -e .

Note the . at the end of that command, which indicates the current directory.

Optional dependencies#

Certain functionalities are only available if you also install other, optional packages.

  • perses tools: To use perses, you need to install perses and OpenEye, and you need a valid OpenEye license. To install both packages, use:

    $ conda install -c conda-forge -c openeye perses openeye-toolkits

Testing your installation#

openfe has a thorough test suite, and running the test suite is a good start to troubleshooting any installation problems. The test suite requires pytest to run. You can install pytest with:

$ conda install -c conda-forge  pytest

Then you can run the test suite (from any directory) with the command:

$ pytest --pyargs openfe openfecli

The test suite contains several hundred individual tests. This will take a few minutes, and all tests should complete with status either passed, skipped, or xfailed (expected fail).