Ligand Networks by Hand#

OpenFE provides utilities for ingesting networks from ordinary Python datastructures like list[tuple[str, str]] and list[tuple[int, int]]. Each string or integer respectively names or indexes a ligand, and tuples represent edges in the network. This allows specific networks to be written by hand, supports use cases where the desired edges are known, and may be helpful for loading networks from other tools.


%matplotlib inline

from rdkit import Chem

import openfe
from openfe.setup import ligand_network_planning

This cookbook assumes you’ve already loaded a collection of SmallMoleculeComponent objects into an iterable called ligands. For more information, see Loading Small Molecules:

ligands = [
    for mol in Chem.SDMolSupplier(

Select an atom mapper#

As we will only specify the topology of the network, OpenFE must generate atom mappings for us. For this, it needs an atom mapper; for more information, see Choose an Atom Mapper:

mapper = openfe.setup.LomapAtomMapper(
    threed=True, # Use atom positions to prune symmetric mappings
    max3d=1.0, # Forbid mapping between atoms more than 1.0 Å apart
    element_change=False, # Forbid mappings that change an atoms element

Define the network#

We can inspect the ligands to identify what we’re working with:

print(*enumerate(ligands), sep="\n")
(0, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=benzene))
(1, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=toluene))
(2, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=phenol))
(3, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=benzonitrile))
(4, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=anisole))
(5, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=benzaldehyde))
(6, SmallMoleculeComponent(name=styrene))

Then, define the network topology by specifying transformations between ligands, either by name or index:

topology_by_names = [
    ("styrene", "toluene"),
    ("benzonitrile", "toluene"),
    ("toluene", "benzene"),
    ("benzene", "phenol"),
    ("phenol", "anisole"),
    ("phenol", "benzaldehyde"),

# topology_by_indices = [
#     (6, 1),
#     (3, 1),
#     (1, 0),
#     (0, 2),
#     (2, 4),
#     (2, 5),
# ]

Create the network#

Now create the LigandNetwork object from the specified edges:

ligand_network = ligand_network_planning.generate_network_from_names(

# ligand_network = ligand_network_planning.generate_network_from_indices(
#     ligands=ligands,
#     mapper=mapper,
#     indices=topology_by_indices,
# )

Visualise the network#

For more ways to visualize a LigandNetwork, see Visualizing Ligand Networks.

from openfe.utils.atommapping_network_plotting import plot_atommapping_network
